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  • v0.16 Changes

    ๐Ÿ“š Events and messages are now handled much more cleanly. Much of WebSocket's documentation ๐Ÿšš was removed since it was getting stale. Will rewrite as things stabilize.

  • v0.15 Changes

    More significant changes.


    This new class is now used to completely abstract sessions and sockets away from the app. This class has a timeout method that is called when a session expires, and handles a socket connection. The a card game Player is a good place to see how this works.


    ๐Ÿšš Various changes to WebSocket, WebObject and events to remove references to sockets and sessions, and instead include the new User as part of the message.


    ๐Ÿš€ There is a bug in the LLVM compiler version less than 3.8(?) that causes Digest::SHA1.digest("some string") to return data inconsistently when building an app with --release. This is used in lattice to create a signature for the dom_id. This means that a --release build will not correctly connect dom_ids.

  • v0.12 Changes

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changes

    A significant change for better handling the DOM; an object can now be completely contained and return via to_html. Prior to this change, WebObject did not enclose itself with an html element. It now does so, with options to control the generated tag (i.e., modify classes, add a DOM id). For example, the card_game sample's card_game.slang previously did something like this to show the chat_room:

    div.chat_room data-item=chat_room.dom_id data-subscribe=""
      == chat_room.content

    ๐Ÿ‘€ In retrospect, this seems like a glaring oversight. Now, card_game.slang only needs this:

    == chat_room.to_html

    With this change, it becomes a lot easier to have a container, and now there's no need for StaticBuffer(strings) and DynamicBuffer(WebObjects). The new ObjectList handles both, and they can be intermixed. In fact, this makes it easier to do add any class that can have advanced rendering capabilities without the extra overhead of WebObject. Consider a Counter class that just renders a...counter:

    class Counter
      property value = 0
      def to_html( dom_id )
        "<span data-item='#{dom_id}' class='counter'>#{@value}</span>"

    The index is already added to the passed dom_id from render_item. Subclassing ObjectList would be simple, and still allow other types:

    class CounterList < ObjectList
      alias ListType = Counter | WebObject | String

    What makes this especially crazy, is it's now possible to have nested containers, each rendering its own stuff.


    app.js had some changes required by this new methodology. Events and subscriptions are now added automatically when content changes through any WebObject.

    However, this is still a major work in progress.

  • v0.11 Changes

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changes

    • Added a RingBuffer(T) to keep a fixed number of items in an object. For example, a chat_room might keep the last 100 ChatMessages. It could do this with messages = RingBuffer(ChatMessage).new(max_items: 100)., Items are available in first-in, first-out in #values
    • ๐Ÿ”„ Changed behavior of WebObject#dom_id to create a more reliable id that can be extended more easily when searching for objects. The key piece is provided by #signature .
    • Added WebObject#observer and WebObject#add_observer to allow messaging between WebObjects. Observers are added to an object by calling #add_observer with the observing object. Any events that occur in the observered object are sent to the observer#on_event with a ConnectedMessage.
    • โž• Added Connected::EventObserver which has a RingBuffer for events received.