lucky v0.25.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-12-18 // over 3 years ago
    • 0️⃣ Rename: component with_defaults renamed to tag_defaults #1262
    • 🛠 Fixed: send HSTS headers over HTTPS. #1268
    • ⚡️ Updated: memoize can be used on any Object #1270
    • ➕ Added: tfoot() tag method. #1296
    • ➕ Added: routes now support glob routing #1294
    • 🛠 Fixed: passing a UUID in to a tag for text #1280
    • 🛠 Fixed: calling route helper methods on actions with route_prefix set. #1298
    • ➕ Added: clearing cookies with specific options passed in #966
    • 🛠 Fixed: passing a name prop to a custom tag. #1309
    • ➕ Added: blockquote() and cite() tag methods. #1317
    • ➕ Added: type name in error message for action classes #1321
    • 🛠 Fixed: params that use Bool with a default value of false #1352
    • ⚡️ Updated: generated start_server binary is now output to the bin directory instead of top-level. #1358
    • 🛠 Fixed: HTTP status description in the log output. #1362
    • Updated: reverted the DATABASE_URL ENV. #551 in Lucky CLI
    • ⚡️ Updated: emails will print to the log in development for easier debugging. #555 in Lucky CLI
    • ⚡️ Updated: Tasks can use the output property for easier testing. Added an example option to task args. #557 in Lucky CLI
    • ➕ Added: New generated Lucky projects will come with Github Actions out of the box. #559 In Lucky CLI
    • ⚡️ Updated: front-end package.json dependencies. #553
    • 🛠 Fixed: Signal trap is properly caught when running lucky dev. #572 in Lucky CLI
    • ⚡️ Updated: the built-in seed tasks to better match the common structure. #584 in Lucky CLI
    • Added: new Lucky::Env.task? method will return true if ENV["LUCKY_TASK"] = "true" is set. #576 in Lucky CLI
    • ⚡️ Updated: Query objects no longer mutate which fixes calling aggregate methods without needing to clone. #411 in Avram
    • ⚡️ Updated: the error message when a required primary key is missing. #454 in Avram
    • Updated: fill_existing_with to be used with nilable columns. #452 in Avram
    • 🛠 Fixed: Bool columns with a default false value. #461 in Avram
    • 🛠 Fixed: belongs_to using the wrong key in some cases. #465 in Avram
    • 🛠 Fixed: using optional Arrays in columns and migrations. #471 in Avram
    • Fixed: calling to_s or to_i on an enum column to get the enum's proper value. #474 in Avram
    • ⚡️ Updated: using raw_where will now be deprecated in favor of a unified where. #460 in Avram
    • 🛠 Fixed: issues with invalid SQL with joins. #451 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: a whole new interface for Avram::Operation. #469 in Avram
    • 💾 Updated: Avram::SaveOperation callback methods after_save and after_commit work with blocks, and more. #481 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: a compile-time error catch when passing a raw hash in to a SaveOperation. #485 in Avram
    • Removed: register_setup_step macro used for hooking in to the Avram model setup. #486 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: new or() query method to perform WHERE x OR y SQL calls. #442 in Avram
    • ⚡️ Updated: database calls to be optimized for speed. #491 in Avram
    • Added: params.has_key_for? to check if params contains a key for an operation. #500 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: conditional callbacks for Avram::SaveOperation. #495 in Avram
    • ⚡️ Updated: the has_many count method to not preload when just a number is being returned. #509 in Avram
    • 🛠 Fixed: passing a file_attribute as a named arg to an operation. #514 in Avram
    • ✂ Removed: unique filtering on WHERE clauses. #518
    • ⚡️ Updated: error message when using remove incorrectly in migrations. #524 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: error message when trying to generate a migration by a name that already exists. #528 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: new custom errors for Operation objects. #534 in Avram
    • Updated: add_belongs_to can now set a unique index. #536 in Avram
    • 🛠 Fixed: creating records by passing in values that match the default. #540 in Avram
    • Updated: how has_many through associations are defined to fix has_many through a has_many through association. #525 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: new after_completed callback on Avram::SaveOperation which is called even if no updates are made. #544 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: UUID primary key checks to the SchemaEnforcer. #546 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: records already loaded in to memory can now preload associations. #542 in Avram, #553 in Avram, #561 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: support for models to use VIEW. #555 in Avram
    • ➕ Added: new defaults method for defining default query methods on Query objects. #564 in Avram
    • 🛠 Fixed: setting two routes that use different path variable names. #38 in LuckyRouter
    • ➕ Added: route globbing. #40 in LuckyRouter
    • 🛠 Fixed: catching when duplicate routes are defined. #42 in LuckyRouter
    • Added: flow spec matcher method have_current_path. #96 in LuckyFlow
    • Fixed: flow spec have_text matcher method to check if the text is included and not exact. #99 in LuckyFlow
    • ➕ Added: flow method to confirm and accept javascript modal boxes. #101 in LuckyFlow
    • ➕ Added: flow to fill a select field. #104 in LuckyFlow
    • ➕ Added: flow to select multiple values from a select field. #106 in LuckyFlow
    • ➕ Added: flow method element.hover to hover over an element. #108 in LuckyFlow