
Programming language: Crystal
License: MIT License
Tags: Framework Components    
Latest version: v0.3.1

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Mochi is a authentication shard inspired by devise. Mochi is designed for the Amber framework with support for both Granite & Jennifer ORM's.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:
       github: andrewc910/mochi
       version: ~> 0.3.1
  1. Run shards install

  2. Please checkout mochi-cli for automatic installation of modules: mochi-cli


API Docs

API Documentation

About Mochi

Note: Only the class 'User' is supported.

Currently, Mochi has 7 modules:

  1. Authenticable
    • Basic authentication. Sign up, sign in, sign out.
    • Mandatory columns:
    • email: String - User's sign up email
    • password_digest: String? - User's password stored as a bcrypt digest

Note: Mochi also puts 'password' and 'new_password' in as attributes, however we don't want these saved in plain text so do NOT add them as columns.

  1. Confirmable

    • Users are required to confirm their email prior to activation. Mochi generates a UUID for each user and sends an email. This UUID is for user activation and verification
    • Mandatory columns:
    • confirmation_token: String - Token used for email activation & verification
    • confirmed: Bool - True if user account is activated
    • confirmed_at: Timestamp? - Time user confirmed account
    • confirmation_sent_at: Timestamp? - Time confirmation email sent
    • unconfirmed_email: String? - An email address copied from the email attr after confirmation.
  2. Omniauthable

    • Users can sign up with google, facebook, github, twitter or vk. (Google is still WIP)
    • Mandatory columns:
    • uid: String? - Identifaction number used for sign-in verification (These user's do not have a password_digest or email)
  3. Trackable

    • Tracks user's sign in count, ip addresses and sign in time
    • Mandatory columns:
    • sign_in_count: Integer - Total amount of times a user has successfully signed in
    • current_sign_in_ip: String? - The most recent IP address used to sign in
    • last_sign_in_ip: String? - The second most recent IP address used to sign in
    • current_sign_in_at: Timestamp? - The time a user last signed in at
    • last_sign_in_at: Timestamp? - The second most recent time a user signed in
  4. Recoverable

    • Allows users to reset password via email link
    • Mandatory columns:
    • reset_password_sent_at: Timestamp? - Time password reset email was sent at
    • reset_password_token: String? - UUID token for verification
    • password_reset_in_progress: Bool - returns true when a password reset was initialized but not confirmed & completed.
  5. Lockable

    • User's have X number of times to log in before account is locked & email verification occurs
    • Mandatory columns:
    • locked_at: Timestamp? - Time account was locked at
    • unlock_token: String? - UUID token for verification
    • failed_attempts: Integer - Number of attempts currently failed since last sign in
  6. Invitable

    • User's can invite other users. Inviter inputs email, email sent out, invitee inputs password, account is confirmed if confirmable is active.
    • Mandatory columns:
    • invitation_accepted_at: Timestamp? - Time invitee accepted invite
    • invitation_created_at: Timestamp? - Time inviter created invite
    • invitation_token: String? - UUID verification token
    • invited_by: Integer? - Inviter user id
    • invitation_sent_at: Timestamp? - Time invite email was sent (same as invitiation_created_at)


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/andrewc910/mochi/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
