All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
46 days
Latest Release
1569 days ago

Changelog History

  • v0.1.6 Changes

    October 23, 2020

    🚀 lib v0.1.6 is a service release which ensures compatibility with crystal 0.35.1.

    🔄 changes:

    • shards: bump crystal version to 0.35.1 #13
  • v0.1.5 Changes

    April 11, 2020

    🚀 lib v0.1.5 is a service release which ensures compatibility with crystal 0.34.0.

    🔄 changes:

    • ensure crystal 0.34 compatibility #12
  • v0.1.4 Changes

    February 17, 2020

    🚀 lib v0.1.4 is a service release which ensures compatibility with crystal 0.33.0.

    🔄 changes:

    • ⚡️ update crystal version to 0.33.0 #11
  • v0.1.3 Changes

    February 11, 2020

    🚀 release for the rlp crystal library improving syntax and stability.

    🔄 changes:

    • 💅 changes to code style (#7)
    • ➕ add stats to nightly workflows (#8)
    • ⚡️ update contributors (#9)
    • ⬆️ bump version to 0.1.3 (#10)
  • v0.1.2 Changes

    January 30, 2020

    📚 release for the rlp crystal library improving syntax and documentation.

    📚 the full library documentation can be found here:

    🔄 changes:

    • 📚 publish the documentation #4
    • rebuild gh pages #5
  • v0.1.1 Changes

    January 28, 2020

    🔋 feature release for the rlp crystal library enabling the decoder.

    this library allows for decoding of:

    • rlp-encoded data in binary format
    • rlp-encoded data in hexadecimal string format

    note, that decoded data is always binary as per ethereum's design rationale:

    "RLP does not attempt to define any specific data types such as booleans, floats, doubles or even integers; instead, it simply exists to store structure, in the form of nested arrays, and leaves it up to the protocol to determine the meaning of the arrays"

    🔄 changes:

    • 👍 allow for decoding of arbitrary data #3
    • cannot decode nested lists of arbitrary depth #2
  • v0.1.0 Changes

    January 24, 2020

    🎉 initial release for the rlp crystal library.

    this library allows for rlp-encoding of:

    • binary data (assumed encoded)
    • boolean values (true, false)
    • scalars (positive integers)
    • string literals and characters
    • arrays containing any of the the above
    • nested arrays containing any of the above

    rlp decoding is not yet implemented.

    🔄 changes:

    • ➕ add utils for converting between data types ef496ac
    • get length of input data from prefix byte 88e73c2
    • rlp encoding of bytes, arrays, strings, scalars, and booleans #1